Many transaction options available
Foreign Currency Transactions
Don't miss your chance to make foreign currency transactions!
Make foreign currency transactions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can also make Cross Currency transactions where you exchange one foreign currency for another through Yen currency.
POINTThe foreign exchange order service can be used online as well.
With the Order Watch foreign exchange order service, when your target rate is reached, SMBC Trust Bank will make a transaction on your behalf. No need to constantly monitor exchange rates to see if they have reached your target rate. Order Watch orders can be made on PRESTIA Online.
Be sure to read notes before making foreign currency deposits.
- *Connecting to transaction menu from above.
Navigation Menu: Foreign Currency Savings > Buy / Sell FX, Foreign Currency Deposit Service, Order Watch
Yen/Foreign Currency Time Deposits
Select the currency and term depending on your needs.
In addition to yen time deposits, you can also create foreign currency time deposits. Select from a wide range of currency options and terms in accordance with your objectives to structure a time deposit that best suits your needs.
Be sure to read notes before making foreign currency time deposits.
- *Connecting to transaction menu from above.
Navigation Menu: Investments & Reports > Time Deposits
Premium Deposit (Structured Deposit with FX Option)
Earn higher interest than with a regular time deposit by taking currency conversion risk.
You can select from three types depending on your needs. There are different types of Premium Deposits corresponding to the currency you deposit. "Deposit in Japanese Yen" starts from Yen funds; "Deposit in Foreign Currency" and "Cross Currency Type" start from foreign currency funds.
Be sure to read notes before making structured deposits.
- *Connecting to transaction menu from above.
Navigation Menu: Investments & Reports > Premium Deposit (Structured Deposit)
Making Transactions
Application for PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Account
You may also apply for a PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Deposit Contract required to perform foreign currency deposit transactions for the first time (including receiving the funds in foreign currency by fund transfer) from PRESTIA Online.*
- *Please note that it will take a few business days to conclude the contract, and foreign currency deposits can be made once the process is complete.
Navigation Menu: Foreign Currency Savings > Application for PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Deposit
Archive of Product Information Memorandum
You can view the Product Information Memorandum, etc. previously posted on PRESTIA Online.
Navigation Menu: Foreign Currency Savings > Archive of Product Information Memorandum, etc.
At SMBC Trust Bank PRESTIA, we use profiling (a series of questions related to asset management) to understand the amount of risk you are able to accept. The answers received in profiling, and the risk acceptable to the customer, are expressed numerically as a "customer risk tolerance (risk score)". Please be aware that investment in a product is not possible if the customer risk score is below the product risk level. Please note that the risk score is valid for 1 year from the obtained date.
- *Connecting to transaction menu from above.
Navigation Menu: Investments & Reports > Personal Profiling
Internet Banking Other Services
The following procedures are available.
- Address Change Request *Domestic Only
- Register or update "Status of Residence" and "Period of Stay (Date of Expiration)"
- Kana Name Registration
- *This is a form to register your Katakana Name necessary to receive incoming domestic transfers or when applying for direct debit.
- Full Name Registration
- *This is a form to register your full name in English.
- Request for reissuance of GLOBAL PASS and/or change of Domestic Cash Card PIN
- *Available for GLOBAL PASS holders only
- Local Remittance Registration/Deletion Application
- Fixed Amount Automatic Remittance Application Form (For Domestic Transfer)
- Overseas Remittance Registration/Deletion Application
- *Registration of remittance to Russia and Belarus is not accepted.
- Special Benefit Program
- *You can apply for Special Benefit Program "PRESTIA Bank at Work".
- Mutual Fund Account CLOSE REQUEST
- *Available only when there is no balance
- *If you have not updated your registered address, please complete the address change in advance.
- Account Close Request
- *Available only for closure of all deposit accounts
- *If you have not updated your registered address, please complete the address change in advance.
- Reply to "Customer Information Confirmation"
- *For Customers who received Request for Submission of "Confirmation of Customer Information Form" by sealed postcard
POINTSMBC Trust Bank App for more convenient procedures
For detailed instructions on how to download the app and "Other Services", please see here.
For the first time user, start today!
Online user registration is simple. Start using PRESTIA Online right away.
All you need is your Cash Card and a computer with an Internet connection. No need for annoying procedures such as sending forms. As long as you have a SMBC Trust Bank account, you can start online banking right away simply by registering for a User ID and Password.
How to register User ID and Password
Access PRESTIA Online Sign On page.
Search Branch Name
Input your Katakana Branch Name and press "Search" (You can also copy your Katakana Branch Name from Branch Name list and paste in the box).
Please enter the following 3 information.
- 1Yen Savings Account Number*1
- 2Telephone Personal ID Number (T-PIN)*2
- 3Birth Date
- *1Yen Savings account number is the 7digits on your Cash Card.
- *2If you have forgotten your T-PIN Number, please contact the PRESTIA Online Helpdesk.
Terms and Conditions
Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions to proceed to the next screen. The Terms and Conditions can also be checked on the SMBC Trust Bank Website.
Register your User ID, Password and E-mail address
Please register your desired User ID and Password.
From next time, you will be able to Sign On using this User ID and Password.
You can also register an E-mail address.
Signing On
Access PRESTIA Online Sign On page.
Please enter your registered User ID and Password and press the "Sign On" button to use PRESTIA Online.
Points to note:
You can increase the security setting by additionally using the One Time Password (OTP) service when signing on.
Use of PRESTIA Online
Some customers may be unable to use certain services or PRESTIA Online.
- Customers unable to use certain services: Corporate account customers, Non-resident account customers, and Customers under the age of 18 years.
- Customers unable to use PRESTIA Online: Customers with only a Yen Savings account, Customers with only a PRESTIA MultiMoney account, and Customers whose addresses the bank is unable to confirm.