Cases that could be customer's gross negligence

When a customer's carelessness is tantamount to an intentional act. Typical cases are:

  1. When a customer informed a third party of his/her PIN
  2. When a customer wrote his/her PIN on his/her cash card
  3. When a customer handed his/her cash card to a third party
  4. Other similarly negligent acts on the part of a customer as above [1] to [3]
  • *Cases in which a customer who is ill personally handed his/her card along with PIN to the nursing helper (nursing helpers are barred from handling patients' cash cards under their care) and similar cases are exceptions to the above.

Cases that could be customer's negligence

  1. The following two cases could be regarded as negligence by the customer:
    • (1)Despite the bank giving an individual, specific and repeated advice to change his/her PIN from easily deducible numbers such as a date of birth to other numbers, customers kept using a PIN made from his/her date of birth, home address, home or work telephone number and car license plate numbers etc. and stored their cards together with documents that may be used to deduce the PIN (driver's license, health insurance certificate, passport, etc.).
    • (2)Customers have written their PIN on a memo in a way that third parties can easily recognize it and store it with their cash card.
  2. In addition to the above, cardholder negligence could be recognized when either (a) or (b) in the following (1) combined with either (a) or (b) in the following (2) and damage is caused.
    • (1)PIN management
      • (a)Despite the bank giving an individual, specific and repeated advice to change his/her PIN from easily deducible numbers such as a date of birth to other numbers, customers kept using a PIN made from his/her date of birth, home address, home or work telephone number and car license plate numbers etc.
      • (b)Customers have used their PIN for purposes other than banking transactions such as lockers, safety deposit boxes and mobile phones.
    • (2)Cash card management
      • (a)Customers left their cash cards in places easily spotted by third parties such as the inside of a car, making them vulnerable to theft.
      • (b)Customers are not appropriately wary due to intoxication or such, making them vulnerable to pickpockets.
  3. Other similarly negligent cases on the part of customers as above [1] and [2].

We would like to request that, whenever you receive a monthly statement from us, you also confirm the contents of the notices and other materials enclosed with the statement.

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