[USD or AUD only]Premium Deposit (Deposit in Japanese Yen) : Add-on interest rates will be applied.

Feburary 26, 2020

Dear valued Customer,

Thank you for banking with SMBC Trust Bank PRESTIA.

We handles Premium Deposit <Structured Deposit with FX Option> which earn higher interest than with a regular time deposit by taking currency conversion risk.
When depositing Premium Deposits (Deposit in Japanese Yen) and selecting USD or AUD as counter currency, add-on interest rates will be applied regardless of the transaction channel (Base interest rate x10% add-on) from Feburary 26, 2020. We hope you will take advantage of the service.

<Eligible Transactions>

Deposit Currency Counter Currency
Deposit Currency Counter Currency

e.g.) If the base interest rate is 4.000% (pre-tax annual interest rate), applicable interest rate shall be 4.400% (pre-tax annual interest rate)
<Calculation>4.000+4.000x0.1 = 4.400% (pre-tax annual interest rate)

* PRESTIA Online limited add-on interest rate (Base interest rate x 5%) will not be applied to the above transactions.
* Please note that add-on interest rate will not be applied for Premium Deposit submitted Feburary 26, 2020.

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SMBC Trust Bank Ltd.